A common question I see pop up on social media is people looking for recommendations for new skincare routine or makeup. These days purchasing products can be an expensive endeavour. And with sooooo many options, it can be hard to choose which one you want to spend your hard-earned dollars on. Another deterrent is going into retailers and feeling overwhelmed and sensory overload with the options available.
Enter, HOLIDAY SEASON with the biggest annual launch of special edition sets, and in Sephora, the array of Sephora Favourites Sets. These are limited edition, curated collections that come out in the fall every year and offer an array of top selling products with both mini and full-size product offerings. Sephora Favourites Sets change out a few times throughout the year, typically seasonally and are limited quantities, but the biggest selection is during the holidays.

The thing I love the most about the Sephora Favourites Sets is it offers you a wide selection on different brands, and you can experience a lot more for a lot less money than if you purchased the products on their own. The mini and deluxe sized items are perfect for getting a taste of the brand and product and are perfect for travel. The variety and size are why I would highly recommend these to newcomers to the beauty world, or someone who is looking for a new routine. You can sample a variety of brands and get a good feel of how these products perform, and if you don’t like a product, you’re not out the money or wasting product if you had purchased a full size. (NOTE: Many retailers do have a pretty good return policy if you don’t like a product, but then that product ends up in a landfill.)
We are now entering the time of year when brands are releasing holiday sets, these are a fantastic value because they’re like a built-in gift with purchase, more bang for your buck. Sephora has the widest selection, especially online. Shoppers and The Bay will have a decent selection too, though. If you find a set that catches your eye, I suggest checking out that brands website before purchasing. Often, they will have a first time discount or similar perk for ordering direct but watch for shipping fees and duties if it’s coming from the US. Before committing, I will compare the price purchasing from the brand vs Sephora with free shipping and see which is the better deal in the end. Additionally, if the brand is available at both Sephora and Shoppers Drug Mart, purchasing from SDM during a points multiplier may be more worth your while. A 20x the points perk or get 50,000 points when you spend X amount of dollars is a better deal in the end, because that’s money you can spend at any Loblaws store (free groceries!).
I have been on the Sephora app daily and checking out all the new sets coming out. There are so many good ones! I personally will not be purchasing anything this time, though. My collection is a little (ok, a LOT) out of hand, so I think I’ll sit this one out. However, if by the time the Sephora Rouge sale in late October/November rolls around and they’re still in stock, I might just change my mind. I wouldn’t be able to pass up that good of a deal, haha!!
Are you thinking about switching up your routine? It’s a great time to experiment with these sets!! Let me know if you picked anything up so I can live vicariously through you!!